For more specific information on TTS2018, please visit our Registration Page, which contains further details on pre-registration, terms & conditions, Congress policies, and obtaining visa letters, as well as our How-To Register Guide and a Frequently Asked Questions section.

  • Access / Security
    Badges will be provided to participants during registration and will be required for admission to all Congress events.
  • Banks
    Banks are generally open from Monday to Friday between 8:00 and 14:00. They are closed on Saturdays and Sundays. All banks offer an ATM service to withdraw Euros (EUR) by credit or debit card.
  • Congress Transportation Card
    On the day of your arrival, you will receive upon registration a free Congress Transportation Card which will allow you to use the public transport network during the Congress days.
  • Dress Code
    Business casual attire is requested for all Congress functions and social events.
  • Emergency Phone Numbers
    - Police Dial 091
    - Ambulance Dial 061
    - Fire brigade Dial 080/085
    - International emergency Dial 112

    A first-aid officer will be present at IFEMA during the Congress.

  • Exhibition
    The Congress exhibition will be open daily. The exhibition area will include exhibits by sponsors, posters and information on future Congresses. You will also find the TTS booth and several lounge areas here. All food and beverages will be served in the exhibition area.
  • Exhibition Opening Hours:
    Sunday, July 1 | 19:00-20:00 (Welcome Reception)
    Monday, July 2 | 09:30-17:30
    Tuesday, July 3 | 09:30-17:30
    Wednesday, July 4 | 09:30-15:00
  • Lost Property
    Lost or unattended items will be held at the Congress registration desk, where participants can enquire about their property. Should a participant spot any unattended or lost items, we kindly ask that they report this immediately to the Congress staff.
  • Official Congress Language
    The Congress language is English. All sessions will be conducted in English.
  • Phone Calls
    The country code for Spain is +34. To make an international call from Madrid, dial 00 followed by the code for the country you wish to call and the subscriber number.
  • Photographer
    A professional photographer will cover the various events during the Congress. Photographs will be uploaded after the Congress at
  • Smoking Policy
    Smoking is banned in all indoor public places and restaurants in Madrid. The Feria de Madrid - North Convention and Congress Centre is a smoke-free event and smoking is not permitted.
  • Taxes
    Normally, value added tax (VAT) amounts to 21% of the taxable turnover. In contrast, the consumption of food and beverages in restaurants and hotels as well as overnight stays in hotels (including breakfast) are taxed at a special rate of 10%. Certain everyday goods are taxed at a reduced rate of 4%. These include food, non-alcoholic drinks, books, newspapers, magazines and medication.
  • Time
    Madrid is one hour ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
  • Wireless Internet
    The Congress will have wireless internet coverage in most areas.

TTS Office Information

27th International Congress of The Transplantation Society
c/o The Transplantation Society
505 Blvd. René-Lévesque West, Suite 1401
Montreal, QC, H2Z 1A8, Canada
T. +1.514.874.1717; F. +1.514.874.1716

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